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  • Special Labeled Kay-Ray (Ludlum Model 3

$955.00 $525.00

The Ludlum Model 3 Survey Meter is an extremely versatile meter, that with proper care, will last decades. It operates on two “D” cells for approximately 2000 hours. The Ludlum Model 3 has adjustable high voltage to 1500 volts and includes external calibration controls. It can be used with GM probe or scintillators to assess a wide range of radioactivity from environmental to high radiation areas.

Counts.Pro Ready!
The model 3 can be converted easily to a digital datalogging scaler/ratemeter by adding a Counts.Pro.

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SKU: 214795937-1-2 Product Type: , Vendor:

The special labeled Kay-Ray is a Ludlum Model 3 Survey Meter. This is an extremely versatile meter, that with proper care, will last decades.  It is an industry standard radiation meter used today at nuclear stations, universities, and medical centers.

Why pay full price when we sell ours for almost half current retail price!

It operates on two “D” cells for approximately 2000 hours. The Ludlum Model 3 has adjustable high voltage to 1500 volts and includes external calibration controls. It can be used with GM probe or scintillators to assess a wide range of radioactivity from environmental to high radiation areas depending on what probe you use with it.  Note that the scale on the meter varies with the probe selected, so if you need a particular scale, let us know.

You will need a Probe and a Cable to connect your meter to a probe.  We do sell typical combos in our store ready to go.  Search Products for “Combo”

Take your meter to the “next level” with Counts.Pro:

Add a Counts.Pro for $499 ($100 discount when you buy one of our refurbished meters) to digitize and record your surveys and turn your meter into a digital scaler/ratemeter/cloud connected GPS datalogger!  Take your meter to the next level with Counts.ProA refurbished meter WITH the Counts.Pro can be had for about the price of a new Model 3.

The four counting ranges are x0.1, x1, x10, x100.

Typical Counting Range is from 0 – 200 mR/hr, or 0 – 500,000 cpm.

The Ludlum Model 3 is supplied as shown with built-in speaker.

Any GM (model 44-9, 44-7, 44-38, etc) or gamma scintillator (such as Model 44-10, 44-3, or 44-2) probes and many others can also be used with this meter.  You can use the Ludlum Probes listed above or any manufacturers probes such as Bicron, Canberra, Thermo, Technical Associates, etc.

INDICATED USE: General purpose survey
METER DIAL: 0 – 2 mR/hr, or 0 – 5k cpm, BAT TEST (others available)
MULTIPLIERS: X0.1, X1, X10,X100
LINEARITY: Reading within ±10% of true value with detector connected
CONNECTOR: Series “C” (others available)
AUDIO: Built in unimorph speaker with ON/OFF switch (greater than 60 dB at 2 feet)
CALIBRATION CONTROLS: Accessible from front of instrument (protective cover provided)
HIGH VOLTAGE: Adjustable from 200 – 1500 volts
THRESHOLD: 30 mV ± 10 mV
RESPONSE: Toggle switch for FAST (4 seconds) or SLOW (22 seconds) from 10% to 90% of final reading RESET: Push-button to zero meter
POWER: 2 each “D” cell batteries (housed in sealed compartment that is externally accessible)
BATTERY LIFE: Typically greater than 2000 hours with alkaline batteries (battery condition can be checked on meter)
METER: 2.5″ (6.4 cm) arc, 1 mA analog type
CONSTRUCTION: Cast and drawn aluminum with beige polyurethane enamel paint
TEMPERATURE RANGE: -4°F(-20°C) to 122°F(50°C)
May be certified for operation from -40°F(-40°C) to 150°F(65°C)
SIZE: 6.5″ (16.5 cm)H X 3.5″ (8.9 cm)W X 8.5″ (21.6 cm)L
WEIGHT: 3.5 lbs. (1.6 kg) including batteries

Pictures are of the actual meter.

For internal use:

Barcode: 16010763

Ludlum room

Additional information

Weight 7 lbs