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  • Ludlum Model 3 Combo with Counts.Pro and 44-9 probe

$1,825.00 $1,314.00

1 in stock

This combo is the standard radiation meter setup for performing routine surveys for radiological contamination.  It is also useful for surveying scrap metal for contamination, though we prefer a scintillation probe for that application.  The Ludlum Model 3 is an extremely robust instrument that can take a lot of abuse in the field.  We do have older style meters we sell for $100 less if you are trying to save as much as possible.  Ask for the replacement if you want that.  The older ones have a faceplate that is harder to remove.

Share data
Once you are done, you can share the data by whatever means are available to your device. Email, Air Drop, etc.

The Counts.Pro allows the operator to review surveys to look for spikes in activity that might have been missed during a survey.  This is particularly useful for cabinet X-ray surveys where a small leak might not be noticed while performing the survey.

This sale includes the Meter, Probe, cable, and a Counts.Pro installed.  The unit can have a NIST Traceable calibration for an additional fee.  Most people doing scrap metal surveys don’t require calibration, but it is available.

Additional information

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 in