These are nice looking Ludlum Model 1000 scalers. They have adjustable HV up to 2500V and can run GM detectors, proportional counters, and scintillation detectors such as NaI. A scaler is a must have item for science experiments or for assay of radioactive material in the environment. A hand held GM is OK, but for measuring variations in background radiation, or for finding out if something is contaminated a scaler is the way to go.
Add a Counts.Pro for $499 to digitize your results and turn your meter into a digital scaler/ratemeter/cloud connected datalogger! Take your meter to the next level with Counts.Pro
These are the same types of meters used in laboratories and nuclear stations across the country. We offer 30 day guarantee with all equipment we sell.
Digital Scaler
5 decades counting
Adjustable HV 0-2500V
Gross counting scaler
120VAC required for use (these come with modern 3-prong power cords that are the usual ones you see on the back of computers).
C type connectors.