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  • Fluke Victoreen Model 992 Advanced Survey Meter with probe 489 w/ software

$5,000.00 $2,500.00

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Product Type: Vendor:

The ASM-990 is a portable, battery operated general-purpose survey meter for use with all Victoreen Geiger-Mueller (GM) and scintillation probes, proportional counting probes and neutron probes. The ASM-992 is identical to the ASM-990 with the addition of a second, internal GM tube and supporting circuitry. 

The ASM-990 series can detect alpha, beta, gamma, or x-ray radiation. The fast response and high sensitivity of the Geiger-Mueller tube makes it great as contamination monitor or as a general survey meter. Survey Mode feature allows user to store up to 5 separate survey sequences. Includes Infrared Data (IrDA) port. Operating modes: Rate, Integrate, Scaler (dual option): “Based On Measurement” or “Based On time”, Timed Peak Hold, Data Logging. A 160 x 160 graphical LCD displays selected measurement units, status icons, and real time clock, and linear analog bar graph with fifty (2% of full scale) elements. Scale multiplier is 0.0001 to 1 million, depending on the probe selected and the units activated.

MHV connection.


Range: 0.1 mR/hr to 1 R/hr

Radiation detected: Gamma above 60 keV


Accuracy± 10% of reading between 10% and 100% of full scale on any range, exclusive of energy dependance


Lightactivates a background light for a preset or indefinite amount of time

Start/Stop/Rst/Save saves current data; starts and stops recording of data; resets internal counter in scaler mode

Sel activates the menu systems; allows user to choose particular settings, etc.

Up/Dn arrows enables user to navigate between various menus/selections

Esc returns to the normal operating mode

Audio allows the user to turn on/off the audio indicator


For internal use:

Barcode 17053894 meter, 17053895 probe, 17053896 software

Shelf 12C

Additional information

Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 14 × 14 in