This unit has been purchased by CHP from a working environment. Originally purchased in 2004, this unit has been under service contract with Canberra ever since.
See the latest QC Data in the photos. It has been disassembled for shipment. The computer and software did not transfer with the unit. This allows the end user to get the latest version of the software and new computers for what is typically a $160K unit new. Along with a stock photo, see the boxes containing the detectors with serial numbers and such. Also included are the last set of QC’s run on the unit.
We estimate $47K for the latest software and complete work station. The price quoted below assumes we get this up and running for you. You may already have a licensed version of all or parts of that and can contract with the manufacturer for what you need. We work on projects like this all the time, and can provide a turn key solution where we pay for all of this. Just let us know what works for you. If you can do the installation, you can save the cost of us having to contract out to have it done.
Fastscan whole body counter is designed to quickly and accurately monitor people for internal contamination of radionuclides with energies between 300 keV to 1.8 MeV. The FASTSCAN system uses large area sodium iodide detectors and CANBERRA’s Apex-InVivo™ and Genie™ software to achieve low minimum detectable activities with count times as fast as one minute. It is intended for use in power plants and other facilities where the possible contamination spectra are well known and uncomplicated.